Any secret to ble mushrooms?


I just started to add some corals and LR to my tank, its been established for about 18 months. About 2 months ago I added green mushrooms which are doing fine, 2 weeks ago I added an LTA and blue/purple mushrooms. The LTA is doing great but the purple mushrooms have just been shriveling up and falling of the rock. I have moved the away from the light and now close, I am not sure why they are not doing well.
90 Gallan tank , overall I have 4x55 10K 2x55 50/50 and 2x55 Actinc Blue 03. I have them on about 12 hours a day but I turn 50% off 2 hours in the middle of the day. SG 1.024, temp 80. Alk is high, not sure what high Alk effects 360PPM, PH is good at 8.2. Calc is high, about 500, I started the B-IONIC at the same time I bought the blue shrooms and LTA but have not used it for a few days because of the high readings on CALC and ALK. Last time a check Amonia and Trites were 0 (last week) I am out of Trates tests but I did a 10% water change last week, I never did have a problem with Trates.
Any suggestion why these guys are not doing well?


The did not before when they were low in the tank, now they are closer to the lights but do have a poer head in their direction. Next move will be up close w/o a current.


some of my mushrooms that were up closer to the lights, jumped ship and re-attached them selves to rocks, lower in the tank... seem to like it better in new position, not so close to the current or the lights...


Iodine, mushrooms love iodine. But you must be able to test for it. Iodine can be toxic and lead to algea problems.