any shark in 75 g

i was just wondering if i could keep any kind of shark in a 75 gal. if so what kind of filtration reqirements does keeping a shark have. thanx for the info.


You could keep a TINY bamboo, cat, or epaulete in a 75 for about 6 months before it outgrows it. If you plan on having one long term, you need to triple the size of the tank you have.


If you had a custom built 75 you might be able to get a marbled cat shark or a freycients epaulette shark. They get about 2ft. Remember length and depth are much more important than height in a shark tank. The bigger the "footprint" the better. Check the archieves for risc's post on shark care.


Active Member
ask risc to be sure but like we said 75 is no way long term, also keep in mind that if you did get a bigger tank it needs to have very little rock if any they need to swim, get a bigger tank, i have a 75 also and i wish i could get a shark so cool but oh look up risc's post about sharks in the home aquarium,,,,,,,,i am going to have a sand tiger one day''''that would be so cool,,,,,but that is a large dream


Like I said in my post above a 75 could work IF it is custom built. The standard 75(which is 4'x18"x21" i believe) won't work. If you could get one 5'x18"x16" that could work.
According to Scott W. Michaels book about sharks in home aquariums the minimum size for a marbled cat is 70g(of water not the standard 70g). So a custom built 75 will work. Just in case you don't know who Scott Michael is, he's a marine biologist thats studied sharks FOR YEARS
. Don't post if you're not going to give correct information.


Active Member
he may have studied for years, thats fine but imo 70 is way too small for any shark, what do you think risc? again that is just my OPINION, take it or leave it, this is what this bb is all about, i never said this is a fact


Active Member
SORRY JIM, but i am wiht scott here, i do agree with you that i fyou don no t know, ...........
so why do you post stating that a shark can get 2 ft(which is not quite correct either, but we will use your words for the comparison), adn then say you can keep it in a tank 18 inches deep, one thing I DO KNOW about sharks, you really should have a tank wide enough for it to turn around in without touching the sides, current info or not, I WILL STAND BY THOSE WORDS, you need a bigger tank than that
no marine biologist, jsut a person infatuated by sharks(enough so that i know about how many species there are, and know some about a good percentage of them) and heve been so for 20 years or more
IMO, i would not put a shark in a 75, not even ifit were cutom made


fshub and everybody else:
Actually I am correct because I said the FREYCIENTS
epaulette shark gets to be about 18in-2ft not the normal epaulette shark which get to be over 3ft.I too wouldn't put one in a 75 but I'm just saying that it can be done. You guys clearly don't know what you talking about. We're talking about two different species of sharks here.


Active Member
still, i used your size, and again, 18 inches to 2 ft, still needs more than an 18 inch tank, clearly who?????, i am using your measurements, and you still need a deeper tank from front to back, if you want to refer to my intelligence and or knowledge, whyy not look at the source, i am still using your measurement, both times, like i said earlier
edited: i did some checking and all the info i got on them was the smallest i came up with was 2ft, and up to 42 inches, on epaulettes in general, and as for the specific one you mentioned, i have found not info, so i will not state whether either is right or wrong there, but the size still does not fit


You don't need a deeper tank. The rule Scott Michael gives for chosing an aquarium for a shark in his book is that for less active species(like marbled cat and freycients) the tank should be .75 times as wide as the full adult lenght and 2-2.5 times as long. So for a 2ft shark a tank 5'x18"x16" would work. That comment about not knowing what your talking about was more towards scott270 and anthem.


I do know what I'm talking about. Most of what I know comes from what risc told me and he said that height doesn't matter as much in a shark tank espesially one that houses bottom dwelling sharks. And no minimum does not mean short term solution, it means the smallest size that can house the animal for its entire life. The shark I was refering to is Hemiscyllium freycineti or freycinet's epaulette shark(I spelled it wrong before, sorry) While in your 1st post you were talking about Hemiscllium ocellatum or epaulette shark. Two different species. Yes I saw your post and it was stating an opinion and some facts. The only problem was the facts were about a different species of epaulette shark.


Marble catshark would be a good shark for a 75.I recomend a 70 gallon for these sharks.They get 24 inches.


I said you didn't know what you were talking about because I said a freycinet's epaulette shark(Hemiscyllium freycineti) or a marbled catshark could live in a 75, and then you said "Actually, the epaulette will get up to over 3 ft in length." which is incorrect for the species I was talking about. And yes they are called freycinet's epaulette sharks because when I asked risc about them a while ago he knew exactly what I was talking about and I Scott Michaels book he calls them that too.


Also in his book he lists a quite few species of epaulette sharks w/pics of them. They are Hemiscyllium freycineti(freycinet's epaulette shark),Hemiscyllium hallstromi(hallstrom's epaulette shark), Hemiscyllium strahani(Strahan's or hooded epaulette shark), Hemiscyllium trispeculare(speckled epaulette shark), Hemiscyllium ocellatum(epaulette shark), and a possible new species called "irian epaulette shark".


What are you talking about? I just went to fishbase and they have Hemiscyllium trispeculare listed as speckled carpetshark. Anyway, the reason I said you didn't know what you were talking about is because I guess the way you typed it. After I said the Freycinet's epaulette shark gets about 2ft(which is correct) you posted saying actually the epaulette shark gets 3ft. When you said the epaulette I thought you ment Hemiscyllium freycineti got over 3ft. I didn't know you called it a speckled carpetshark. So I guess this argument was started over my missunderstanding and I apologize. :) *shakes anthems hand*