Any starfish good for a nano?


Active Member
I would say no as they'd probably starve and outgrow the tank. -- Maybe a serpent star if you feed it (which I do im my 90 still) but they can still grow quite large.

coral keeper

Active Member
You can have Asterina stars, mini Brittle stars, and large Serpent and Brittle stars. But you'll need to target feed the large Serpent/Brittle star(s) with large meaty foods like shrimp and squid.


Originally Posted by jackri
I would say no as they'd probably starve and outgrow the tank. -- Maybe a serpent star if you feed it (which I do im my 90 still) but they can still grow quite large.
Man I try to spot feed mine, but I can't find it half the time, and the other half it scurries (spelling?...trying to say runs but it doesn't have traditional legs.) away.