I would say no as they'd probably starve and outgrow the tank. -- Maybe a serpent star if you feed it (which I do im my 90 still) but they can still grow quite large.
You can have Asterina stars, mini Brittle stars, and large Serpent and Brittle stars. But you'll need to target feed the large Serpent/Brittle star(s) with large meaty foods like shrimp and squid.
Originally Posted by jackri http:///forum/post/2937178
I would say no as they'd probably starve and outgrow the tank. -- Maybe a serpent star if you feed it (which I do im my 90 still) but they can still grow quite large.
Man I try to spot feed mine, but I can't find it half the time, and the other half it scurries (spelling?...trying to say runs but it doesn't have traditional legs.) away.