Any stocking suggestions for a 180???


I have a 180 gal FOWLRLS tank, and would like to have suggestions as to what to put in the tank.
I would like to add the following:
1. Queen Angel (adult)
2. Banded Cat Shark
3. Porcupine Puffer
4. Powder Blue Tang
5. Ribbon Eel
6. Zebra Moray
Is there any other suggestions that I could add to the list or should take off the list?
Thanks once again.


Active Member
I don't think that I would mix the shark with those fish. Also I don't think the 2 eels together would be a good idea. The Zebra gets considerably larger than the ribbon, and could possibly eat the ribbon.
I would add instead maybe a huma trigger, and harlequin wrasse.


That was my original thought as well. However, the two eels have been buds for a few years now, and get along great. I do like the suggestions, as I owned both fish previously. Thanks for the suggestions and I can't wait to hear more.


i wouldnt get the ribbon eel it is not as carnivorous and as hungry as it looks. they actually feed on continous dlow of plankton.