Any suggestions for my next fish?


125g with about 70lbs of LR. Inhabitants are a Naso, Coral Beauty, 2 Percs, 3 Green Chromis, and 2 Scooter Blennies.
I was thinking about either a Sailfin, Queen Angel, or an Emperor Angel. Right now I don't have any corals (might get some later on)... Just some live rock covered in coraline. I do have inverts though... Feather dusters, crabs, snails, and a cleaner shrimp.
I'm open to any suggestions for my next addition.


Active Member
One of those angels might be to big in the long run for a 125.There are alot of tangs that would really work well in that tank.Look into a powder blue, a achilles or a clown tang.If your not worried about money get a Chevron Tang!!!If your not framilar with these fish find some pics or books and give them a glance.They are extremely good looking fish with alot of personality and great tempermant.


Active Member
was that a sailfin tang or blenny?
if it was blenny, i'd say him, other wise i'd have to agree, with either, or a koles tang, or anything smaller
one other consideration i would have, if you like your chromi, how about a couple more, they really do better in small schools, we started with 2, then 3, now 5, and every time we added more, we did notice a slight difference in thir behavior(they come out and play more now)


I agree that a large angel might be pushing it. One of my favorites in a tank >100 gallons is a hogfish. They are so active and colorful. Try a coral hog, or maybe a cuban/spanish if you can afford them. Just a thought...