Any suggestions on my 40?


Active Member
Most people will tell you that the yellow tang doesnt have enough swimming room, and I agree for this one. Not really enough length for it. Also, you need just a li bit more color in there. Thats my 2 cents though.....


I would build the live rock up a bit higher. Also agree with the yellow tang not having room. I have been through the "oh, I'll just give it a try" phase and well, I tried and they died.
:rolleyes: hehe, that was a good rhyme.


I have heard that about the Tangs but he came with the tank. I believe the other person I got the tank from has had him for awhile.
If he seems to be doing fine can I just let him be?


i'm not part of tang you can relax:) that an anemone that I see? what kind is it? maybe condy? it looks pretty large considering the size of the only concern would be that yellow tang or other residents might get stung by anemone.....due to insufficient space......i think you would be better off not having an anemone in your tank.....they somehow always cause problems....although not having a tang in 40 will make your life a lot easier.......btw...good-looking tank......


so its recommended that I take the tang out? I have noticed that the fish stay clear of the anemone. I forgot what type it was. Its kind of pink with purple tips.


Active Member
The anemone is either a sebae of a pink haitian. Well, if the tang is allright, then let him stay. But, if he starts to get off colour, starts getting lazy or too big, get him out. They are brilliant fish, but they do need the room. I have mine in a 55, and thats crossing a couple of barriers, but he seems fine for now. Ya, dont jeapordize his health though. If he looks a little skrewy in a while, exchange him for something else.


thats what i thought you want to really watch them if you have any corals in your tank because they love to eat it. i had bad experiance with this problem. i replaced him with a sand sifter and have had great luck.


yeah the chip star will eat most coral you put in your tank so be careful! :) good luck (i had to get rid of mine)