any suggestions on one last fish?


Active Member
Just thought I'd ask what you guys think...get a little friendly opinions...I would like to get a med sized fish for my 75gallon tank. I have 2false percs, 2 purple firefish, and one blue i pretty much have all small fish, which is fine, but i think it make a nice addition to have a bigger fish in there. My tank is a reef tank as well. I once had a powder brown tang, which i thougth was beautiful...but he ended up dying on me.
I don't really care for any hippos or yellow tangs....and i dont want to spend 150$ on it. If i cant find one i like i may just get a couple more blue damsels and let them school around...any suggestions welcome though, and thanks!


Active Member
I would suggest a flame angel (reef safe and they stay small) or a coral beauty angel also reef safe and stay relativly small. the clowns may be pushy towards the flame angel because of similar body style and color. but I think either would be ok.


dwarf angels are great, I have a coral beauty.
May I suggest my newest addition......swallowtail angel
not only are they very docile, but got mine for $50



I like the male anthias. They get pretty big and will do well in a 75 gallon. Just one of course. Here is one from the Charleston aquarium, it's blurry, but the fish is still beautiful!


Active Member
Originally Posted by rusting
Foxface rabbit fish. They are well behaved, and very peaseful.
keep in mind the fox face is venemous and use caution when reaching into the tank. they are awesome fish though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
keep in mind the fox face is venemous and use caution when reaching into the tank. they are awesome fish though.
hooohooo does it hurt...Not the worst pain but you know it when your stung


Originally Posted by NigerBang
hooohooo does it hurt...Not the worst pain but you know it when your stung
Yes it's best not to pet them.


Active Member
thanks guys! not a fan of coral beautys....and it looks like my lady made the decision for me...another blue damsel and bangai cardinal is what she wants.