Any suggestions?



Hi this is my first post
in my 35 gallon tank i have 1 ocellaris clownfish and a purpleback pseudochromis.
I also have a cleanup crew of 10 blue leg hermits, 10 zebra hermits, and 5 astrea snails.
it has been up for about 6 weeks. it cycled in 3 weeks.
i kno i need more live rock because i only have 20 lbs.
i would eventually try to turn this into a reef.
i was thinking maybe 2-3 more small fish in my tank.
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated


Active Member
IMO I would increase your clean up crew too. I have about that much in my 29 BioCube and its really only a 25 gal or so in the actual aquarium. You will hear that clowns do better in pairs and that you prob picked the 2 fish that have a tendency to get territorial in your tank. To have them as your first fish may give you some headaches. Having said that, I cant say for sure how true that is its just from what I have read. I have 2 false perc's and a Royal Gramma and everyone is cool the gramma went in first and the percs 3 weeks later.
I love the Midas Blenny, yellow watchman goby, Pygmy Angel, or you might be able to get away with a dwarf angel. But you can only have one angel in your tank at one time. There are lots of gobies to choose from just becarful of the ones that eat Microfauna, they are no good for tanks that have little LR and are not very very well established, if at all with your size tank and no refugeum. Lots o people like cardinals, im not nuts over them but it is an option.
What type of lighting do you have?


Yeah, Blennies are cool. I have a bi-color. Lawmowers are neet to watch too. Get some smaller turbo snails. They rock. Oh, and I do agree that you need more live rock. BUT, be sure it's cured since you already have fishies.


ok yes i will get more live rock, prob 15-20 maybe more if i can afford.
and i do not have the correct lighting for corals yet just the standard fluorescent that came with the hood.


o and about having one clown i had two but it died in 1 day, it didnt look good when i brought it home. so the next day i got store credit, and thats how i got the pseudochromis, i got the pseudochromis because they only had one really small discolored ocellaris clown


Is that the psudochromis that's yellow with the purple stripe on it's forehead? And 10 turbo snails is a lot for a small tank. IMO Maybe 3 or 4? I can't keep a lot of snails for some reason in mine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azul1994
yes yellow with a purple stripe
ill get less turbos
I actually have 6 turbos in my 29g tank. I have one big guy and 5 actually really small guys. I like how fast they get the job done although they are not big they move with the speed.


ok i will probably get like like 5 turbos and i will deffinetly get some type of goby or blenny. But before i do this i will add the rest of the live rock because the more fish in there the harder it is to add the rock rite? and i will make sure the rock is fully cured. thanks again.


as i said before i would like to keep corals in my tank but dont have the lighting yet.
the tank is a 35 hex, i was thinking maybe t5's but i dont know how much money they would be for my tank. I know MH is the best but is to expensive for my budget. wat would u guys suggest?


Active Member
T5's and PC are basically the same light. T5's are more efficient which means they are just a newer technology. If you can swing the HQI's do it then the sky is the limit. If not soft corals only and youll be fine.


Active Member
Well obviouisly there is the question of wattage, what do you want for your tank. @ 3 watts a gallon you will need approx 105 watts for your tank. The difference in price is about 10% one from the other. The issue you will encounter is what will best fit your tank. There are more universal set ups for PC's right now that T5's. I dont know specifics about them but I just know that for my specific set up I cant use them.