ANy suggstions to future tankmates of porcupine puffer + Clown trigger


I have a 145 with a 6 inch porcupine puffer and a 4 inch clown trigger. Any suggestions to commpatible tank mates. Has anyone had success adding mates to a clown trigger's tank? I currently have a smaller tank with a heniokus butterfly which I would love to add some day. I would also like to add hermit crabs if possible. I am open to suggestions, and criticisms.


New Member
You may be able to add one more fish. Both fish you have get big enough for the 145 alone. The butterfly im not too familiar, but depending on size, I would definitely reconsider adding it especially when the clown trigger gets bigger. If you do a search, harlequin tusks and others wrasses would be compatible, certain tangs and angels will also frequently come up. As for the crabs, they'll serve has snacks and a way of grinding down your fishes beaks/teeth.


Butterflies tend to be pretty delicate to be housed with Triggers. Large Angels and Wrasses and Tangs might be a good idea.