Any sump ideas for a 46g?


Active Member
I would really like to put a mini refuge on the back of my aquarium but with my skimmer and HOB filter I think that will be too much weight. I am also getting tired of seeing the equipment in the water.
With a sump underneath, can I still put at least the skimmer hanging in the sump? I dont mind leaving the HOB filter on the main tank
Would a 10 gallon sump be ok?
I would need blue prints or something cause I have NO IDEA what I am doing but i know I need a refuge and sump bad.
I also have a 46-gal tank. Here is a pic of my sump setup. I have my skimmer hanging off the sump (it's on the right). As you can see I need to seal up better where the sand meets the blue sponge. The second pic shows where I have all of my equipment (return pump, heater, skimmer).



Active Member
Hey thanks! I can see how easy it is to make the 10 gallon into the sump but what I am confused about is the return and intake methods.
I need a little more detail
also,, with a sump,, I don't think u even need the HOB filter anymore! Yes on protein skimmer!
However, more filtration is better!
The return and intake are easy. You can either build your own overflow box or buy one. Then all you need is a return pump. The key to remember is that you always want your overflow box be able to flow more water then the return pump can pump. So for example, if you look in my fist pic, the grey ribbed tubing (overflow) is probably 1" diameter while the clear tubing next to it (return) is only 3/4". No matter how much water I pump up to the DT, the overflow will be able to flow more so I can't overfill the DT. Also, when the power goes out, the return pump isn't pumping anymore and the DT will only drain down as far as the top of the overflow box (as long as you have a hole drilled at the top of the return pipe to act as a siphon break).
This website can prob explain it better since there are diagrams.

shrimpy brains

Was just thinking, instead of drilling hole, couldn't you install a check valve(only allows water to flow one direction) on the return line?
Would this not stop any possibility of a reverse syphon?


yea a 10 gallon would be fine.
check out
he builds his sumps entirely out of acrylic but that will give you some design ideas. there are many different setups you could do. just figure out what you want to have in the sump and plan accordingly.
Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains
Was just thinking, instead of drilling hole, couldn't you install a check valve(only allows water to flow one direction) on the return line?
Would this not stop any possibility of a reverse syphon?

That is one option but I have heard check valves can and sometimes do fail. With a hole it's only going to back siphon down to the height of the hole. I guess it just depends on how safe you want to be and if you want to risk flooding your floor or not.

shrimpy brains

Originally Posted by number1Gsxxr
That is one option but I have heard check valves can and sometimes do fail. With a hole it's only going to back siphon down to the height of the hole. I guess it just depends on how safe you want to be and if you want to risk flooding your floor or not.
Thank you! In the process of building a tank with fuge. Good info.