what mushrooms are you wanting and how many. i already have some button polyps, but you cant see them because the xenias have them covered. mine are brown what color is yours
Sorry to interupt...
I have been trying to reach you but I keep getting a "message has been delayed" error when I email you. I sent you my phone number but I have no way of knowing when you will get it. I have gotten your emails so, if you want, send me a number and a good time to call.
Cathy Joe,
I don't have anything to trade atm but I am also in TN so I'll be lookin for ya once I get some corals going.
ok my delima I have to get some of the mushrooms to transfer onto another rock...guess I should've thought of that before posting this...lol...So I am going to get a small rock and see if I can't get some to transfer. but the button polyps will be fine.
If you know of any one with some zoo's let me know I saw some pic of some and they are really nice.
Cathy Joe,
You may be able to "blow" one off the rock by putting a powerhead on it for a few days then use the stuff here... https://www.saltwaterfish.com/vb/show...hreadid=142825
(not the glue the plastic canvas) and put the one blown off on a new rock.
I have never done it but I hear it works.:thinking:
Ok I'll give it a try. But do you think I should cut it and everything like he did? Ours just spread without doing anything. I haven't tried anything like that but I could it's only a mushroom and I have alot of them..lol
That's up to you. I have heard though that if you point a powerhead at them they will let go of the rock in a few days because they dont like the current. If you could do that you wouldn't have to cut and you could just attack the complete one to a new rock.
I am no pro though so you may want to ask around.
don"t worry your no bother at all I'm just in the middle of moving right now. we should be pretty much finished on monday so call you then and we can work something out.
Cathy joe,
If there is one thing I have learned in this hobby. its that all we have is time. so I'm in no rush just when ever you get a frag ready let me know.
ok thanks. I will go ahead and put the current on it tomorrow, I make my husband do all that sort of thing with the tank..lol and I will let you know whenever we get a couple on it.
what color did you want?