Any tiger cucumber owners?


Demonstrating stange behavior these two. I got them four days ago and they have not moved or more importantly started eating sand. Will they perc up, chilln' period or something?


Active Member
Sue, I found this guy in my tank a hitchhiker, just want to see what other colored ones are out there:)


the shape is very similiar but I can't tell about the color. It is brown and white. I let it sit in the LFS bag for about 30 minutes and then added water from my tank to the bag. I added about two cups before I removed them and dropped them in. Where they landed they still sit. No activity and I am worried about them dieing and crashing my tank !


My cukes don't do anything during the day. They usually start to get active right before the lights go out and are most active at night.


Active Member
The acclimation was much too fast. Much too fast. Might be a problem.
Watch for slimy spots developing, or holes. Also watch for activity by copepods and amphipods. I believe they will be the first things to tell you if it is dying or not. They will start to crawl over it.
If you are interested in more info, you can write me at and I will send off a few articles to you, that may (or may not) be of any help....but are about these types of cukes.


Active Member
1 DOA cuke in a 220gallon , will not be a problem IMO,:)
I was at Lfs where I got a little different colored guy for 3 bucks, very active, how big is the one you have? the new one is bigger 6+ inches,


ophiura - again thx for your insight. I will watch them closely over the next couple of days. they do seem to be moving slightly but staying kinda hidden. They send out their white tenticles from their mouth, i assume, and move them around as sifting the water. I have a grn brittle star and a dozen crabs and shrimp, if they die I'm sure I'll notice the buffet activity.