Any tips? I want a PEACEFUL tank.


Hiya everyone. I got my damsels out..that leaves 2 Percs, one Lawnmower Blennie, a Yellow tang (which I may not keep) and my cleanup crew.
What Id like is to add 2 Firefish (orange) and one purple. Will this work? What other peaceful SMALL fish can I add? I'm going for color and amusement..Id like to place an online order (can we give names here?) well...its a flying**** place..but I want to be sure this mix will work.
Thank you!
OH!! And I have my Prizm ordered..Im excited and scared..I hope I can get it to run ok!


No, you can't give any names of online stores. But I would definately take out the tang, they get pretty big and need at least 75 gallons. Those fish alone are crowding that tank, but you could add a 6 line wrasse. They're small, colorful, active, and are peaceful. Also, has their own store. I haven't bought from here yet, but I have heard alot of good things about it.


Here are some others that are cool:
1) long-nosed hawkfish(i dont know much about this fish but it looks way cool.)
2) catlina goby( orange with blue stripes)
3) royal gramma (purple and yellow)
4)firefish (white and orangish red also there is a purple firefish that is awesome but hard to find)
5) Coral beauty Purple and orangish-yellow
6) Flame angel BRIGHT orange
thats about all i could thik of


My tank is completely peaceful. I have two clowns, a purple firefish, a flame hawk (very interesting), dottyback, and a manderine. I never have any problems with any of them. I have also had a lemonpeel angel and it never caused any problems.


Jawfish! they are the coolest fish ever, I have had one for a while, they build their own little holes in the sand. the Yellow headed Jawfish will just sit there and look at you with it's blue eyes in it's yellow head, my girlfriend think he is the cutest thing ever. Only problem is oyu need like a 3 inch sand bed for them to be happy.