Any tricks to getting false perc to host BTA?


Is there any tricks to getting them to host? I have a false perc and a black and white false perc. Right now they want nothing to do with it.


Active Member
there is not anything you can really do its more or less hit and miss, alot of clowns will host but then again alot of clowns want nothing to do with it


Nope no tricks, they just may or may not host it no way to make them do it and no way to tell if they will. But a False Percs "natural" host anemone is actually a Heteractis magnifica (Ritteri) or a Stichodactyla gigantea (Carpet). Might be easier to get them to host to one of their natural hosts but still hit or miss AND it depends on if they are wild caught or not as if they aren't then they have likely never seen a anemone.
Not saying they have to have their natural anemone to host just that they sometimes are more likely to host the same anemone they would in the wild


some people say you can play on the "monkey see monkey do" adage by taping a picture of some clowns hosting an anemone on the side glass of the tank so they might imitate the behavior. it may or may not work, but it's worth a shot!


I tried the picture thing and nothing work ... but after about 6-7 months of waiting, my percs just started showing some interest in my BTA... I think patience is the best thing. Just when you give up hope and forget about them ... they will find each other and never let go...