Any1 have live Bamboo I can have?


I'm looking for Bamboo. Fred Meyer has just tore down a HUGE wall and now has left it alone with very little landscaping. I'm looking at putting up some Bamboo to help block my veiw from my house to the stores parking lot. Alot of the Bamboo grows vigeriously and alot of people try to get rid of some, so I would like to get some from ya. If you do PLEASE E-MAIL ME - . THX Rick


Alot of nurseries don't even sell the stuff, it's considered a weed. but if you have it growing everywhere cut a few smaller pieces plant it and it will take off quickly.
I have tons you can come get! (TEXAS)


Most of the nurseries here do sell it but they sell it for nearly $40 for 1 start. I know alot of people like to get rid of some so I was hoping that there maybe give me some or sell for alot cheaper then the nurseries around here. How tall is yours and will you be interested in selling a few starts?