Any1 live in NC???

I do not live there but the wife and I are heading to the outer banks in March for our first year anniversary and was wondering if you could give use a little site seeing information or some good restaurants to go to. :help: I have no clue on anything there so I could use some advice on site seeing! :needhelp:


Active Member
I would check out the Sand Bar great restaurant. laid back atmosphere and some good food/entertainment. Also, The lighthouses, and Canadian Hole. There are alot of Kite surfers in that area. Just south of Avon. Also, make the trip down to Ocercoke. The beaches down there are deserted most of the year. I always stay down around Frisco/Hatteras because it is less crowded. Like mentioned earlier the beach, and the ocean are my favorite parts of the area..LOL


Active Member
well i know there is one in boone. ive never been there before though, i just saw it in the phonebook. they had a pretty big add.


Active Member
i think so. im not really familiar with the area. my grandma lives in west jefferson and she is about a half hour away from Boone. I am going back up to her house this weekend. I can get you the name and address if you want me to