Anybody else an Airhead ???


Active Member
Just curious how many air cooled VW fans are on here.
Out of you,
How many of you drive an air cooled VW as your daily driver?
I do....


Active Member
Thanks folks for the replies!!
I am kinda surprised there isn't more. I talk to a lot of people out in the world, who say......
"I used to have a bug, I froze to death in that thing. But it always ran and was cheap on gas".
What year is that porsche?


Not to big on VW but am big on anything to do with motors. When you say air cooled, do you mean the engine is simply cooled by the air? Therefore there is no Radiator?
If so that's crazy my quad has a radiator and that's a one cylinder engine.


Active Member
Yep you got it, no radiator. There is tin work to direct air flow from the fan that the generator turns. A very simple metal belows that expands and contracts controls the flaps to regulate the temp of the motor. They also incorporated the oil cooler on top of the motor and placed it inside the air way, to cool off the oil. Kinda a cool design, very simple.
The other kicker is that the motor only holds right about 2&3/4 quarts of oil.


Active Member
Well they get pretty good mileage. They are carborated, and I get right at about 26 MPG. I have a tired motor right now, but when they are freshly rebuilt they get about 31 MPG. I bought mine with this motor and the previous owner could never make the new motor run right. So it has a lot of hard miles on it.


Seems like the motor would run pretty hot with just air to cool it. Especially on a hot day! Whats the temp max out at? Also how many cylinders is it? straight 4?


Ya that motor is unfamiliar to me! I can't even tell where the cylinders are. From your picture I think I get what you mean though. Good design I guess, made VW a bunch of dough. Probably not what they are using in the modern day bug though. It's probably out dated & the emissions are probably not legal for many states! hahah!

Should turn it into a dune buggy! That would be a lot more fun!


Active Member
I wouldn't mind a baja like that for my daily driver. A different color tho. And yes you are right, they don't use the motors in the new bugs. I know some of them have the 1.8T in them. That is an Audi motor. My 02 Jetta had that motor in it. It was fun to drive but, it was a lemon. It had an electrical issue.
I couldn't let it sit for more than two days without starting it to charge it up. If I didn't then on the third day DEAD. It would then have to be towed to the dealer to have the security turned off so it would run again. They didn't tell me it had that feature on it. I got to find that out after the first time. I charged up the battery and it would not run for more than two seconds.