Anybody ever heard of a Maculosus Angelfish?


I came across this angelfish on a different website and I was wondering if anyone has seen them or knows anything about them. According to the article, these particular ones are tank-raised and are known as a good first choice angel labeled as easy to care for. What does everyone think? My choice will come down to either this or a Koran Angel. Any ideas or suggestions?


this is olso called map angel or yellow bar angel they are the best angel to keep they look very different when small


New Member
They are also called Map Angels. I've also heard they are one of the best for captivity and very hardy. The Koran, French and Queen are also good choices. All large angels eventually grow up so a big tank is best.


I've got a Koran, still a Juv. but is about 5 inches, I've had him over a year. He is great. This past ice storm knocked out power, and my 75 gallon tank got down to 67 degrees. All my fish survived, and showing no ill effects from the change in temp. he eats out of my hand too.


New Member
AKA Map Angel. I just got a juv about 2 weeks back. He has gorgeous juv colors. He/she seems to
like my bi-color dwarf angel alot. Just a gorgeous
slow growing peaceful community fish.. He/she got
ich around day 2 and probably repelled quicker than any other fish in my systems.