anybody had this happen before


My wife and I run a small corporation installing and maintaining aquariums in the Orlando area. One of my clients has a 60 Gallon hex that we installed for him several months ago. It went through the standard cycle so we began to slowly add new fish about one or two every two weeks. We had his tank to the point of having two yellow tail damsels, two false perculas, a sandsifter, and a 4 stripe damsel. Everything continued to test at zero across the board except for nitrates which was about 10 ppm. One day I get an urgent call from my client that everything in the tank was dead. Keep in mind this was only two days after I tested his water. I had him bring me a sample and ammonia was off the chart >6.5 which is as high as my chart goes. I went through the standard questions and my only conclusion was that everytime I was in his house it had a very perfumey smell. It turns out he was spraying an aresol air freshener that was extremly thick in the area. I advised him as I had previously that he should not be using any aresol product or air fresheners or anything to that affect near the water and he aggreed so I attributed the wipe out to that. We did several water changes with ro/di and got him back down to zeros. Had him the the point of having a couple of damsels and a sandsifter in there for weeks again with all zeros. Then I get the phone call again everything wiped out, and the tank is so cloudy he can't see through it. This is 2 days after we serviced it and it tested all zeros and everything was just fine. My client says he has not been using any aresols or had anything out of the ordinary happen. I'm waiting to test his sample now. I just have no idea what is going on with this. He's got a Fluval 404 on there and a sand substrate. I have never seen anything like this before and I service several tanks. I was just wondering if anyone had had anything to that affect happen before. Any ideas or suggestions on how I can figure out what's happening over there would be appreciated. I've been in the hobby for several years and have never seen two wipeouts this close together with no obvious reason. I'm going to try to put a picture on there so you can see what a pretty little tank it is...Thanx in advance....


Staff member
Has there been any outages where the power supply to the fluval has been off for any lenght of time? Also, is the fluval the only filter water circulation in the tank? If so, that really isn't enough filteration/water circulation. What about a skimmer?
Is it a FO tank, or does it have LR?