Anybody has a Purple and Yellow Tang together in their tank-?



I am looking to get one of each, and I wanted to know if the two of them will co-exist with my future stocklist list below for my 175. Anyhelp would be great, THANKS !

Blue Hippo- Got her yesterday
Queen Angel......I'll try an Emperor together with the Queen
Dwarf Lion
Gold Puffer....from a friend
Blue Ribbon Eel.....from the LFS that has him eating Sliversides for 2 months

al mc

Active Member
I have a scopis and yellow. They are territorial but exist in my 156 together. I did introduce them at separate times and have learned that it would have been best to add them at the same time so that nobody has
'first ownership' of the tank.


Dog, your fish are beautifull!!!! GTD, I STRONGLY recommend that you qt the tangs. Please do not add them (when you get them) directly into your tank.


Active Member
I have 2 yellows with a purple. The purple was established when I added the yellows and there was some territorial aggression. That went away after a week or so with no real damage done.


Hey sepulatian ! When I do get the two yellows and a Purple, how do I QT them-? All together-? I have a 20 gal Long tank as a QT.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GTDAROCK
NICE ! What size tank and stock list-?
225 gallon tank with 2 yellows, 1 purple, 1 hippo, 1 blond naso, 1 black volitan, 1 miniatus grouper, 1 yellow stingray.


New Member
It seems like possible, but I might be wrong... I just saw the two species of tanks co-exist in on tank in a store... The tank is about 30g big. But of course, they are a fish store, so I might be wrong.