Anybody have any info on "leng's Sy's" bio-filtration of "miracle mud? What is it??


What is this new Mud filtration system that is suppose to give you results of health, vibrance and growth in your fish,corals,reefs ect?. Any that has any information on this new product please share it with me I am totally lost.
Thank you for all replies and comments.


Miracle Mud has been around for quite awhile actually. It is much like live sand in that it carries many denitrifying organisms. It's purpose is for use in sump systems on a larger scale... this means 250 to 6000 gallon. Anything smaller than 250 there is really no purpose for it and anything larger than 6000 isn't economical because you would need two 300 gallon sumps just to manage the water load. Best overall performance of Miracle Mud sumps are to cover each sump with 100 pounds or so of mud and include a very large crop of caulerpa. This provides 98% of your needed biological filtration, also referred to as Ecosystem Filtration. This system works extremely well for large reef systems with small amounts of fish. If you have lots of fish in your reef system you would have to add a foam fractioning (protien skimmer) device as well.