Anybody Know How To Catch A Cbs?


I have a coral banded shrimp and "had" 2 cleaner shrimp living in harmony for months and all of a sudden my cbs decided to kill them (I witnessed one of the homicides myself) and now it kills any new cleaner shrimp that I try to add to replace the murdered ones. Not sure if it got bored all of a sudden and needed to fulfill a craving but it's gotta go. My fish loved seeing the cleaners for their daily massages. I have a 55g with quite a bit of rockwork so the basic "stick the net in and scoop" method is a waste of 30 minutes. Anybody have any suggestions for removal? Thank you.


Active Member
Fill a container with tank water and have it ready when you catch the CBS.
Then, put your hand in the tank and pick it up and place it in the container.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ricks280
sorry but you should never mix shrimps.
Individual shrimp personalities vary.I have had some of the friendliest little cleaners,and others that avoid you or other shrimp.In my 75 I have a fire shrimp,cleaner shrimp,sexy shrimp, small yellow body cbs{living in a cave with my watchman gobies},and a peppermint.I have only lost shrimps after keeping them for over two years...they don't live much longer than that.That said,CBS are one of the more aggressive shrimp..generally I would'nt recommend mixing them with other shrimp.I have a large pair of CBS in my 65..I would'nt attempt to put another shrimp in with them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by benguck
Anybody have any suggestions for removal? Thank you.
You might try to do a large water change and syphon him out.Does he come near you at all at feeding time?


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a hungary snowflake eel

if your shrimp is large and agressive like mine, then i doubt you will want to pick him up and youw ouldnt be able to syphone him out. i know mine anyways is always out walking, esspecialy when there is food. i usualy feed him a small piece of something off of a feeding stick so he doesnt get too agressive. you may want to try this. and then if you still want to remove him, then do wahat aw2 suggested, minus risking your fingers