Anybody on


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
-- is no good. SWfish is what its all about

Yep. That's why I can't even remember my -- name. I never use it.


Active Member
My wife's co-worker swears by --,...I tried it out the other day, and I must say, it seemed pretty difficult to maneuver around. I must agree, I am fairly biased towards this site and don't care for -- either.


Active Member
I'm on as GoingPostal but not a huge fan. They bash us pretty bad over there but I have an extremely hard time finding any info on --, lots of pretty pictures though.


Originally Posted by fedukeford
my -- name is the same as my SWF name, if -- was easier to navigate around id like it a ton better
same here. It is much easier to find you own posts when you use the same name.