Anybody out there keeping lps w/ leathers?



if so:
do you run carbon constantly? heavy skimming? do you make sure to not have lps "downwind" from the leather/s?

coral keeper

Active Member
I have both together in my 8 gallon bio cube and everything is perfectly fine. I don't have a skimmer, and I also don't run carbon. But I do have some carbon on hand just in case. I just do 15%-20% water changes every week.


Active Member
I used to keep both together and had no problems, but a little carbon helps. Im all SPS/LPS now.


I have 3 leathers and 4 LPS in my tank and have no issues, I run a bit of carbon though. My torch is right between 2 leathers and I have no problem, they are maybe 4 inches away from each other(extended).

yosemite sam

Active Member
I have several LPS and softies along with a bunch of SPS frags. I run carbon, and have a decent skimmer, and have not had any issues.


Active Member
I have many leathers, LPS , SPS, clams, and softies in a 125g with an aggressive skimmer, and run carbon 24/7. I have had this scenario for 29 months now with only one SPS dieing. My fault, it was downwind from my figi yellow leather.


thanks, guys. i thought i had host a hammer due to it being downwind from my toadstool, but maybe that wasn't the case. i didn't do any dip on the coral before putting it into the display.


Active Member
What can be a potential problem keeping leathers and LPS together? I have never heard of this being an issue.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
What can be a potential problem keeping leathers and LPS together? I have never heard of this being an issue.

Ive heard it before, but more so with sps and leathers. But my leathers and sps seem to thrive together(me knocking on wood)


I have sps, lps, zoos, leathers, anemones and fish. I have had no problems. I don't run carbon, but I do regular water changes. My sps are growing like crazy, not sure why you can't keep them all together. I am relatively new at this mix and match thing, so perhaps my ignorance is my bliss. Knock on wood my tank will continue to thrive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by coraljunky
Ive heard it before, but more so with sps and leathers. But my leathers and sps seem to thrive together(me knocking on wood)
When you say "more so" what are you reffering to? What can happen? And why does this happen?

al mc

Active Member
Downwind would mean in the path of water flow. Leathers (some feel all corals also) have a mechanism to protect themselves from other inverts growing around them. Since they can not move to 'defend' their turf they either use 'electrical 'I will call it...they 'sting' when they touch each other, or 'chemical' (they give off a 'toxic' substance) warfare.
This warfare can result in the death or at least an inhibition of growth of other inverts.
These toxins/chemicals can be removed by skimming and/or running carbon. Both remove it from the water.
So if you have a leather giving off a toxin and a lps or sps in a position that the current carrying the toxin goes by is 'down wind'.