I have 7 in my 120 that are out of there tomorrow 2-20-08 or Thursday 2-21-08. If no-one here wants them they are off to the LFS. $1 each plus shipping.
Originally Posted by T316 http:///forum/post/2480743
Whats the problem Grouper? Are they harrassing the others?
No, they all get along fine. These same 7 chromis have been in the tank since the beginning. Just trying to get rid of 7 little chunks of bio-load. I would take them home for my other tanks, but I allready have 4 in one and 3 in another.
Seems to me the shipping thing is not such a good deal. Most anywhere you can buy these fish for $3-4 each. 7 fish is $28.
Soo..if anyone is local looking for some and can pick them up, deal is still on. $1 each.
After I catch all these little buggers.