anybody watch "Deadwood" on HBO?


Active Member
I'd have to say this is probably the best show on tv right now (since "The Sopranos" is not running currently). probably not the most historically accurate show ever, but it's still pretty great imo.


TangMan99 and I have been talking about this for a while.... It is an cool show, and I am glad we got it for another 4 seasons at least, with Soprano's ending (Ian McShane has signed a deal for 4 more years)...... I just wish they wolud get the audio fixed!!! But then again, it gives me an excuse to watch it again (thank goodness for TiVo)!


Active Member
I love this show! It's already started out the new season with a bang. Al Swearinger is my favorite character on the show. You've got to admire a man that can think out loud and logically resolve a problem while being "taken care of".:jumping:


Active Member
do you know that Swearingin's right hand man, Dan Dority (played by W. Earl Brown) also played the handicapped brother, Warren, in "There's Something About Mary"? That blew my mind when I first saw that!
the first two episodes of season 2 have been kind of slow going, in my opinion. except for the first episode when Bullock was bangin Mrs Garrett. I wonder what's going to happen between him/Mrs Garrett/his brother's wife. I'm also wondering what's going to happen between Dan Dority and the other guy (the messenger from the magistrate, can't remember his name).


I would not use the term slow going, but the episodes only cover a day in the life of Deadwood. The original idea was to have a year for every season. Not sure what happened because it seems like we have lost 6 months in between.
Historically, Mrs. Bullock became a respected member of the community so I do not see her leaving any time soon. I am not sure if Mrs. Garrett is a real character.
It should be interesting to see what happens with Silas and Dan though. Both are interesting characters. The guy that plays Slippery Dan (the guy that got 12- pointed last week) comes back this week, that is kinda cool!!!