ANYONE?! (1) Nitrate Treatment - (2) Quarantine


1) have you guys used AZ-NO3 (absolute zero nitrates) or kent marine's nitrate reducer? do they really work? which one is better?
2) do sand sifters (e.g. diamond gobies) and sea stars have to be quarantined before introduction to a home tank just like other fish?
<a href="" target="_blank">My aquarium.. </a>


Active Member
I assume you mean Nitrate Reductor, and yes I have used it. I have never detected nitrates, tested the water myself and at 3 LFS. I run it in a canister, to expose that water to the reductor. I'm not sure about quarrantining gobies though. I didn't QT my engineer goby, as I assumed I'd stress it when trying to remove it from the substrate in the QT. I would ask a shark, or ask in the Disease and Treatment forum. HTH