Anyone allergic to aquarium water???


I have had my tank set up for about two years and for the past year or so I have developed very dry skin on my right hand finger.
I have tried several remedies and it comes and goes. Someone said to me that fish tanks might have bacteria that can cause skin infections. I know I should be asking the doctor but maybe someone out there has had the same experience.


when im mixing the salt in a bucket for a water change, my hands turn red and real itchy....tank water doesnt bother it though. I think just cause im touching the actual salt itself before i mix it in though.


some people are just allergic to the salt water.
my arm and everything burns when I get in the water and the next day its a bit dry but its all part of it. but yeah there are things in the water that can cause this.
BTW your supposed to tell your physician that you have a salt tank just in case something would happen they know you have a tank that could have something toxic in it that you mess with on a daily or weekily basis.


Im not allergic to the water. I recently had a bad reaction after handling some krill that was in the freezer for a while.
I just get dry skin and a good case of the itches. It sound like your just having a reaction to the salt or something else in the tank.


Active Member
you can buy an "aqua glove" that protects your arm from the water. I have considered this when I get some zooanthids.
I also itch when I mix salt and do water changes. But I was told that if you put any kind of gloves in the water it is really bad for the fish.
Sarah :)
Same problem here... my hands and I have one finger that seems irritated...
I bought the aqua gloves, they are big and ugly BUT work and you save your tank from contamination as well....:rolleyes:
Also, I have things in my tank that attack and sting so... good idea
Sorry about the missunderstanding about the gloves. I just wanted to ask how high up your arm do the gloves go?
Thank You


Active Member
I'm not sure if it's the same glove or not, but I have seen ads for one that goes up to the shoulder. If the Aqua Glove has a Yellow hand w/ a Blue arm then this is the same, if not, I'm not sure how high up it goes.


Saltwater does not bother me at all, but this answers some questions about my son... Everytime he sticks his arm in the tank (he likes to make sure everything is arranged nicely :)) it turns red and itchy. I had not idea anyone could have a reaction to saltwater. Thanks for the heads up!