Anyone attending this???


Active Member
i wish, but that's a long drive for just a 5hr show and trade. seems pretty local, and i've that here w/o admission. way to promote though. ;)


Active Member
well thats cool, i just thought id see if anyone from here was gonna be there, it'll be my first one, so i thought itd be interesting and fun.
a little bit of drive for me too, but oh well, didnt see anything around here.


do they trade and sell fish also, or just equip. and corals?
i live bout 3hrs away, i am considering going also.


Active Member
no clue, as far as i know just frags, look at the websites ont hat flyer thing, maybe it says more, or email em and ask.


Active Member
i think I may be going. My parents live in west chester which is about 15 mins from forest park. I have heard from someone that they will have more than just frags....besides it will be nice to get back to where i went to high school and see some old friends...


Active Member
yea, well like i said, i have no idea, it will be my first, and i live in Indiana, so i only know what it says on the flyer basically.