Anyone been to Celebration, Florida?


Hello -
Any central Florida residents feel free to chime in -
Fiance and I are looking to move to the Orlando area - She will be working for Disney. In some of our Disney literature I came across this town of Celebration -
It looks almost too perfect?
Anyone whose been there and around the surrounding areas - Any opinions?


It was actually created by I believe Disney to be a picture perfect town, yes the entire town! A lady I work with just got back from vacationing there.


I've been looking deep into it - It seems too good to be true - Little expensive for what your getting in-terms of homes but obviously your paying to be part of that community.
It looks really nice.


Active Member
never was in that particular city, but disney in itself is an entire community. it is HUGE its a whole city in its own way. hopefully one of the orlando board members will chime in for ya :)


You've been around there? Its kept up nice etc?
We are gonna move down to Orlando most likely - Because of the 'story book' and regulations - It seems to me if after my fiance and I need more then a small home - I would keep that to rent out or more importantly rent to vacationers.
That place seems like in 10-15 years it will be worth alot more then it is now because of the 'perfect little town' mentality.


Active Member
I remember a story on 60 minutes or 20/20 or something like that. The story was about the community and how nice it was.
BUT....the rules are crazy. The color of you house must stay the same, grass, landscaping, fixtures etc must all be approved.
There was much more to the story, but you get the idea. Its a give and take thing, you might like it. I am all for having a nice neighborhood and keeping up with my house, but this might be a bit much. Maybe visit first and get the low down. :)


Thanks for the honest opinions.
I'll keep those in mind - I'm coming down to Orlando in August to start taking a look around.
I love the Orlando area for how well kept up it is. I'm from Cleveland and while the city is clean etc, its nothing in comparison to Orlando.
I think however, Orlando is a little to busy for me to be in the city. I want to beable to come and go, but when I go I wanna beable to go to a place that is kept up as nice a sOrlando, but lose the 'busy' aspect of it all.
And most importantly - Do you guys have good LFS down there? :)


Active Member
i dont like celebration either... the rules for living there are insane.. wouldnt supprise me if you had to get permission for you tank to be in view of the window lol.. yes it really is that bad there... although the crime rate there is almost dead 0 if not 0. dunno if they are as bad as the islewoth nighborhoods though, your not even allowed to drive a motorcycle through them. because of the noise. i was even yelled at by islewoth security for having my car facing the wrong way when i was parked by a house i was working on lol. if you want a nice neighborhood thats alot like celebration, check out reunion. its alot the same and really close to disney, ive even wired a few of the homes and townhomes out there


Active Member

Originally posted by waterfaller1
I would say celebratiom is a cross between the movie "Stepford Wives" and The place the king lived in "Shrek" thanks:scared:

good example
If I remember when it first opend they had a lottery for the few lots that were opening. Thousands entered. :eek: Kinda cult like. Like I said, I like a nice house and nice neighbors, but I don't want to have to stress about every little thing.


Wow thats insane then....
That sounds like Celebration is for retired people....
My Fiance has been looking online from work when I mentioned it to her and she thinks it is great. However I am not sure about that rule list - I'll need to find those somewhere.
Somebody else told me that after 50 years something happens with your house.
Our biggest fear is - We both have very busy schedules. We only know Orlando from the couple trips a year we take to Disney World.
We have to do all our home shopping online and then we are goign to take a week or two to go down and look around the area and some of our choices.
I still find it hard to base a 250k-300k decision on some internet pictures and a week or two looking outside the center of tourism.
I suppose this whole thing about Celebration appeals to us because of the high standard it carries at keeping things together. My Fiance being a huge Disney fan and employee see it as a 'safety blanket' because of the standard that Disney keeps.
I have been doing some comparisons between Kissimee homes and Celebration homes as far as most for the money. Seems for the kinda money they ask for Celebration homes you can get some real nice stuff in a gated community with pool etc for same price.
Thanks for the replies - Keep the opinions coming in please, Florida residents.
I need to find something close to Disney but outside the 'busy' of Orlando..


Active Member
It would be nice if you could get the bylaws. I wish I could remember more about that story on TV. I just remember there was a very strict and sometimes unfair side to it. Do you have a real estate agent down there yet? Maybe one of the Orlando people here knows one. Is that considered Orange County? They may have the info you need, or can point you in the direction.


Just don't let the stuffy people know you come from a land called Lutz! In fact, that place is so stuffy, you better check. They may have a deed restriction forbidding people from Lutz. The stuffed shirts people in Celebration can bite my A**.