I work nights and I use those 5 hour energy drinks when I am totally exhausted and need to keep going.
They work great, but use only 1...it shouldn't make you jittery. I have a bad heart and the monster drinks make my heart go too fast. The 5 hour doesn't affect me that way.
There was a big warning about energy drinks on the news. Personally...if you abuse the use of anything it will cause problems. Nobody should need a pick up like that on a regular bases unless something else is wrong.
Sorry to be preachy, but I feel I need to say this...
You are a young man and shouldn’t be constantly tired. When you need sleep..Get some sleep.
I raised three very active children. I baby proofed a room with a door I could lock from inside while I stayed in there with them, and lay down on the bed for rest while the little tikes played around me. I had a massive heart attack when my son was 3 months old. I couldn't chase after a toddler.
I had to rest, and I had to take care of the children and run the household. I didn't have energy drinks back then. I figured out a way to rest in spite of a heavy load.
When I am driving I must be alert...that is when I will use those 5 hour drinks. Not to work, or babysit. You are young, pace yourself, you will live longer.
For those RARE times you must keep going, use the drinks. Otherwise don't, get the rest your body needs.