You were one of the lucky few to see my seahorse on cam! It was really quite funny- i moved the cam and then he moved away from it-- he only stayed in front of the cam for a few minutes each time- camera shy i guess!
Anway as for feeding, yes, we have been taking time to feed him, but funny thing is, he has yet to take food. At the LFS, they were feeding him mysis shrimp- and he ate it liek crazy. We were a little worried, but then i sat in front of the tank last night and watched him really closely, and he is acutally eating stuff from my rocks! I saw him catch 2-3 cocepods, and he even sticks his snout into holes getting stuff (if we would eat that DANG hair alge i'd give him a medal!
). Once, he was trying to move a hermit crab and the hermit grabbed onto his lower lip! he shook his head back and forth and flung him off.
I know that reefs are generally not the optimal environment for a seahorse, but we have a few low current areas in our tank, so i decided to go for it. Both my wife and I really wanted to try it... if this works out, we may add another. Even though he is eating off the rocks, i am still going to offer him food a couple times a day, just in case he changes his mind.
oh- and thanks for the heads up about i found that site the other day and found it very helpfull. Even thinking of raising seahorses now- my wife really likes te idea... proably wont happen anytime soon, but hey- who knows? would be a good way to suuplement the income, and help nature at the same time! We have no local suppliers of any salt water stuff, so selling saehorse to the LFSs in our area we would be saving them quite a deal of mone on shipping