Anyone Else???


New Member
I am starting a 12 or 14 gallon nano this week
And I am really excited. Anyway, I plan to have a few mushrooms and zoos and then a small frogfish. I was wondering if anyone else has a setup like this and if you have any tips. Thank you everybody.


New Member
I have a 10 gallon nano that I started mid december. I LOVE IT! We did everything myself (aka didn't buy a cube). My husband actually built the hood, lighting including moon, and stand for it. We started off very small with a couple pounds of live rock, then a camel back shrimp. From there we added yellow polyps, a hammer, a torch, a candy cane (which I am not a fan of), several different zoos, and a colt coral. All are small frags bought at our local LFS that is great about having nano size frags. We have a pistol shrimp, barber shop goby (so fun) and a bicolor blenny. If you want more info, pictures, or advice just let me know. Go slow, buy only what you really want, and have fun. It's addicting.


New Member
Thank you very much for posting. Yeah, I have a plan, I have always wanted a frogfish since I started my 75 gal. So this is perfect. I would love to see pictures of the homemade lighting and your tank. It sounds beautiful. Thank you again, and I would love some pictures.