Anyone ever Dive for their own fish?


Active Member
I was wondering if any one out there has done this?, I saw a site of a guy in fl, in the keys, that will take you out to get your own fish, and inverts


I am not 100% positive on this but I have heard it is illegal. I have a friend who said his uncle got caught doing it and was fined like a grand. I would assume, as with all water activities, you would have to have a license. But like I said I am not sure about this. I live on the open water and the thought crosses my mind constantly.


Active Member
man i tell you i would have loved to have dont this in cancun when i went diving last year. talk about some cool stuff. even a cool piece of macroalgae woulda been nice!
souns cool, whats the site?


Active Member
If you want the site email me,,this guy sells fish and stuff so I dont want to post it to be correct for this BB,
this guy states outright that its his charterboat and that he will take you out for fish and stuff


New Member
It depends on where he is going.
I don't know what it's like now (as in the past few years) but when I had my FO tank, we went offshore here (80+ feet) and used to catch tiny Sargent Majors all day long..we'd trade 'em to the LFS for stuff.
I don't think it's illegal if you were not in a wildlife preserve, but your milage may vary: you might want to check with the local fish and wildlife folks and see what's going on.
I *DO* know it's illegal to take coral, gorgonians, rock and anything that doesn't have fins or claws (and in season) or suckers.