Anyone ever do the South Beach Diet?


Active Member
My Husband and I started it last is day seven of phase1. Last night I had what must have been my 'withdrawl day' 'cuz I had a migrane that almost put me in the hospital, and I'm all messed up today as a result.

Someone please tell me that it gets easier :help:
I want to get my sugar under control (I'm insulin resistant, which is why I started the diet, my Husband joined in 'cuz he wants to loose weight), but I don't want to be sick and craving all the time!!


I did it, and loved it! I was a little disappointed when I found out that "South Beach Diet" didn't mean "nothing but cocaine and margaritas", but I got over it.
I think of it as more than just a's really about being aware of how much sugar you put in your body. You'll get over the initial "yuckies" and after that, you'll feel fantastic.
By the way, you should REALLY consider a fiber supplement (no, really!)
I'm about to go back on it, because I quit smoking recently and have put on a few pounds...eek!!


Active Member
No, but one of my co-workers has been on it. The only thing he says he noticed right away was:
Cheese = Cork