anyone ever done this??


Active Member
I'm not sure if I am crazy for thinking of this but I was wondering if anyone has ever done an all invert, mainly shrimp, nano. I was wanting to put a 5 gallon in our kitchen and just put all those cute little shrimp, like the monkey, bumble bee, cleaner, fire, and so on in there. I would of course stay away from the coral banded. We have a 55 gallon and a 29 gallon, so are used to the upkeep. What does everyone think??? Is this completely insane or completey do-able? What is everyone's thoughts? What things would you suggest I watch for or do different to have this kind of set up? Anyone want to come over and ask my hubby if I can have yet another tank, for me.
Pretty soon, he's going to kick me out. But hey, its Christmas, so this is the best time to ask right.
So please, give me any and all thoughts.


Active Member
It can be done, but as you know...the smaller the tank, the more work it is to keep the water parameters in check.
As long as you keep up with your water changes and make sure your water specs are always right, then you shouldnt have a problem.


Active Member
Thanks AW2 and ninjamini, I was beginnning to think everyone just thought I was nuts for even thinking of this.
So how many shrimp do you think I could get by with in a 5 gallon? We already have a skunk and 2 fire shrimp in our other tanks so thought it would be cool to keep this one full of the little ones like the bumble bees and the sexy's. What do you think? How many do you think I could do?


Active Member
You could do an eclipse 5 gallon hex. That would work well for an invert set-up. 3 sexies would be a good number since they prefer to be in small groups. There are lots of cool peaceful reef friendly crabs out there too like the Anemone and Pom Pom. You could go reef, just may need to upgrade the bulb. :cheer:


Active Member
You can put alot 3-4 in t 5 hex. You could also do a fish or/and a crab... lots of possibilities. Just watch the water perams. If at the end of the week you have too much nitrate then scale back.


i would do 3 sexy shrimp and a pom pom crab.i would not do a fish becuase its to small(not even a clown goby).I think its a good idea and its been done before so look into it somemore.


Active Member
Come on now. I have run a 6 gallon eclipse for over a year and it has a firefish goby. A sally lightfoot crab, a few snails, several urchins. Doing great. You can have A fish. Just pick a small one. and keep up with the weekly water changes.
O and another word about the eclipse. No biowheel. I used to use it and it was nitrateville. I removed it and it was a happy tank.