Yesterday I purchased my first anemone, a LTA. I woke up this morning and he was halfway into my top filter intake tube. I quickly unplugged the filter and disconnected the section he was stuck in. I set the section on the sand and hoped that since the anemone got in there, that it will be able to pull itself out. If not, im going to have to cut the slits to get him out. Anyone ever had any experience with this?? Any suggestions?? When he gets out, im going to see if I can find any kind of screen filters to slide over the regular plastic slits on the intake tubes so it doesnt happen again.
Also, how long does it usually take for an LTA to find a place it likes and actually anchor itself there? Or are they constantly moving from place to place?
Also, how long does it usually take for an LTA to find a place it likes and actually anchor itself there? Or are they constantly moving from place to place?