Anyone ever had a Lookdown?

Hey guys
I just bought a 160 gallon bowfront tank and I am trying to come up with a stocking list.
I really like Lookdowns, they look incredible. Has anyone had experience keeping these fishes? I would really like to know more about them. Would a 16o gallon even be big enough?
thanks guys for the replys


Active Member
160 would be the minimum, They get about 12 to 15 inches, they are not reef safe and are a schooling fish. They are also best housed with fish there same size.


I wouldn't even consider lookdowns for a home tank. They are huge, openwater fish, they like to school with their own kind. They are most often seen in large commercial aquarium exhibits.


Active Member
Originally Posted by smartorl
I wouldn't even consider lookdowns for a home tank. They are huge, openwater fish, they like to school with their own kind. They are most often seen in large commercial aquarium exhibits.
I have seen baby lookdowns and they are still to big for a 160 when you include the shoal to make them feel safe. If you add another 1 infront of the 160 then yes.


I got one hes about 10 inches. Great fish! He will eat any fish that fits in his mouth. in a 160 i dont know how he would do maybe if u gut a real small one. Mine is doing fine but than again my tank is 8 feet long. Good luck.

eric b 125

theres two in a display at a lfs around here. the display is a 10' long 500 gallon beast. they seem to do pretty decent in that.