anyone ever hear of cyclining with groupers


anyone ever hear of cyclining with groupers my lfs supplier says that it's a good idea. anyone know if this is ok
also i really dont think i will cycle with shrimp just cuz it will be kinda wierd ya know


Active Member

Originally posted by jesatfis
anyone ever hear of cyclining with groupers my lfs supplier says that it's a good idea. anyone know if this is ok

IMO not ok, why torture a fish through the toxic conditions a cycle creates?
Originally posted by jesatfis

also i really dont think i will cycle with shrimp just cuz it will be kinda wierd ya know [/B]
Weird...why? The ammonia that a cycle produces is extremely toxic and often deadly to fish. How would you like to breath fire for a month?


Active Member
Why is it a good idea?
Because you give him money?
I am assuming he will buy the grouper back, should it live....but will he give you all the money back? And if it doesn't live? Oh, and just what food does he want you to buy for it?
It is a good idea because he will make at least a dime off the suggestion.
I have a problem with torturing an animal - regardless of whether it lives through the cycle or not. Torturing a fish when there are plenty of viable, cheaper and more humane alternatives. Sure you can cycle with a grouper if you don't mind the thought of what it is doing to the animal, and if you like spending more money than is necessary.
If you don't like already dead shrimp because its "weird," how about fish food? Or heck you can buy ammonia and use it? Or just getting uncured LR?


I've never heard this mentioned before, and it's a little gross but... I bet you could pee into the tank one time to give it a dose of ammonia for free...



Originally posted by ophiura
Why is it a good idea?
Because you give him money?
I am assuming he will buy the grouper back, should it live....but will he give you all the money back? And if it doesn't live? Oh, and just what food does he want you to buy for it?
It is a good idea because he will make at least a dime off the suggestion.
I have a problem with torturing an animal - regardless of whether it lives through the cycle or not. Torturing a fish when there are plenty of viable, cheaper and more humane alternatives. Sure you can cycle with a grouper if you don't mind the thought of what it is doing to the animal, and if you like spending more money than is necessary.
If you don't like already dead shrimp because its "weird," how about fish food? Or heck you can buy ammonia and use it? Or just getting uncured LR?

ok point taken, its the same dealer who my dad has his tank from and he cycled it the same way, yes he would buy them back as credit, but he is really expensive


Active Member

Originally posted by jesatfis
...also i really dont think i will cycle with shrimp just cuz it will be kinda wierd ya know

If you think "that's" weird...
Try cycling the tank by feeding the "Invisable Fish"....:yes:


Active Member
i would think a grouper would have an even less likly chance of living in a cycled tank. Because they eat so much, they have more waste, and therefore, there will be more amonia in the water than a normal fish. And since you dont have the bacteria to recycle it, youll be dumping too much amonia in there at one time.


Active Member

Originally posted by jesatfis
also i really dont think i will cycle with shrimp just cuz it will be kinda wierd ya know

I agree with everyone else...
But on a side note...If you think that is "weird" then you are in the wrong hobby. Tons of fish need "Special" more Weird foods to be fed to them.
When i first started, the thought of takeing a whole dried brine shrimp, eyeball and all and crushing it with my fingers was gross.
After awhile you get used to haveing freeze dried blood worms, mysis shrimp cubes in your freezer lol.
So in the end...just tossing a shrimp or even any type of fish food isn't that bad..
Just a more humane way..