Anyone ever heard of this happining????......


New Member
I just added a small bulb anenome to my tank . I have 2 pepermint shrimp that are fiercely attacking it. Has anyone ever heard of this happening? Wierd thing is is that i have a sebae anenome as well and the shrimp never bother it. but its like 5 times the size. I moved the bulb closer to the sebae and my cinnimon clown has adopted it.Which should keep the shrimp away. I hope. Really just curious if anyone has ever had this occur in their tank.


i added a peppermint shrimp and he started eating my feather dusters. i caught him and took him back to the store


I've got five pepperment shrimp in my tank. My anenome got eating by them as soon as I put it in. Now I just bought a feather duster and they like to sneak attack it also. Don't know if I'm going to take them out of just take a few out.


I did some research before, and found out they love glass anenomes and some certian other types. Some of your more stronger stinging anenomes, like carpet anenomes will do fine with them.


I had a carpet anemone and 2 peppermint shrimp they never touched it. So, I put 3 more peppermint shrimp in, next day anemone got eaten. They get very brave in numbers.
Conclusion peppermint shrimp aggression increases with the number of shrimp and they do like to eat certain anemones.
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