Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983 http:///forum/post/2895528
how much do they run?
Depending on size and color, I've seen them anywhere from $200 to $1,200.
That one was fed the fish though, it didn't catch it. My rhizo is in a fishless tank but does have quite a sting, stronger than any other of my corals. I suck at pic taking but here's mine. Honestly as far as price I would rather pay $200 for this than for one eye of that ever so sought after LE watermelon or whatever the fad is now. At least I'm getting something I can see.
The colored ones are the expensive ones, get into red and oranges and the price skyrockets.
Originally Posted by spanko http:///forum/post/2896415
Why do you say that?
I saw that on R C the guy said he feed the fish to it.The fish was dieing.but it has eaten a few live fish before.