anyone ever used "Kick-ich"?

reef fool

Active Member
I have been searching for options on ich treatment and found a product called "Kick-Ich". It is said to be totally reef and invert safe. I was wondering if anyone has tried this product?


I did nothing for me. It will work for a while but you have to keep up the treatments. You stop after a few treatments it will come back. In my experiance. Your best bet for ick is hyposalinity in a QT tank.


i used it once and it started to work after about a week i lost alot of fish in that week but i saved my tangs maybe i just got lucky but it lose kill any corals

bobby & kari

im using it now it seems to be doing its job every one stopped iching


oh no... the medication caused the death of all your fish or the disease did?
A couple weeks ago, I saw a few salt-like crystals on my puffer and he was exhibiting erratic scratching and darting behavior... Since my QT is currently occupied I used kick-ich in my FOWLR tank. I have kept up the treatments religiously and have only two more left before it's completed. I haven't really noticed a difference in the puffer's scratching behavior but I can't see the salt-like spots anymore ... what worries me is that I may have been imagining the spots all along, since they were only in a few places. Am I endangering this fish by adding the kick-ich? Or is the concern just that I am not effectively treating what he's had.
Also, the fish has never shown ANY sign of loss of appetite or heavy breathing. He looks entirely healthy except for occasional scratching.


I used Kick-Ich and nothing seemed to be botherd by it...particularly the Ich. I did not loose any of my fish but had to opt to other treatment.


what did you end up using?
also - is it usual for a fish to have ich for a few weeks and not exhibit any problems other than spots and scratching? when does the deterioration start?


the only thing I can suggest is doing hypo on the fish. If you have LR in your tank or corals you can not do hypo in main tank. This means you will need to use a hospital tank. I know Terry doesn't like to hear me say this but I had no choice as I had several fish that had ich so I had to treat my dispaly tank with Marex. I DO NOT SUGGEST THIS. This was something I took upon myself and took a chance on losing my LR inhabitants. I suggest doing a search on hypo on this board as Beth and Terry have posted many boards on this subject. HYPO has worked for me it just takes time. If you can remove all the fish out of your display for 3-4 weeks and put them in a hypo quaranteen tank this is your best bet. I have had people tell me that Kick-Ich worked for them but that it took time. The question is how many fish will you lose in that time? Good luck!!!


sorry for all the questions - i don't want to lose fish - but i'm new to this and still can't even confidently diagnose my fish...
i currently have one fish that i'm bringing into hypo now in a hospital (again for undiagnosable itching) - he can't coexist with the puffer so I can't add the puffer to that hospital tank and don't think I could deal with setting up another hospital tank on the fly and doing hypo in two tanks...
when does this disease get to the point where i have to give up on the kick-ick and do something different? will i just wake up and find my puffer dead? or is there a gradual deterioration through which he starts to act "sick" and I realize this isn't working?

bobby & kari

i went to my lfs yesterday i pulled the rest of my fish out and started usingthis stuff called greenex in a hospital tank the fish seem more happier my fish store said that kick ich just isnt that potent because it is reef safe so i guess it all depends on how sick your fish are


Iv hear it works well. I think it also can stain most things in your tank. Did my friends.


Active Member
Try the will kill 50 percent of your fish. The greenex will kill the other 50 percent and then you can start over. The only two things that really work are Copper and Hyposalinity.............. Copper sucks. Hypo, hypo, hypo as Terry B said. I used both and I am still kicking myself in the butt for not listening to Terry B right away and using strictly hyposalinity.


I agree with everyone else...the kick ich is worthless. I tried it for about a month with no results at all. The spots would disappear for a couple of days and come back twice as bad. In fact...if anybody wants what I have left (the kick-ich) you can have it :)

reef fool

Active Member
Hey guys. 2 1/2 weeks since I posted this thread. I used "Ich attack" for one week and ran a 30 watt UV sterilizer for 2 weeks and my tank seems to be ich free. I have also been feeding with garlic the whole time. Ich is never gone with tangs but as long as I don't stress them out again, it should stay controlable. BTW my hippo tang looked like a zit ridden teen 2 1/2 weeks ago but now he is as blue and clean as the day I got him.


you say you cant mix fish in the HT, can you put in a divider? Just a thought, I don't know how big your HT is...


It's a 10 gallon... can I section off a toby and a clownfish in such a small tank? Also, the tank is already going through hypo so the puffer would have a huge shock going from 1.024 to 1.014 all at once, wouldn't he?... If that could work I'd be all for it... although I'm not getting my hopes up! Thanks for the help!