Anyone fit LED's on the Nova Extreme Pro?


Ok, so I am a little disappointed with my 36in. Current Nova Extreme pro T5 fixture.
I really want to fit some LED's in there and cannot figure out how to do it and make t look good.
I like the Current USA lunar lights, but I dont know of a way to get them to fit in there and look good.
Any ideas?
Also what is a good brand for replacement bulbs. I want to get some different colors in there to get the best look out of my tank.


Active Member
go with UVL, giesemann, korallen zucht. they are all good brands for t-5 lamps.
as far as lunar lights, buy a single lunar light from current or ESU, like this one-

i have one of these over my 195 and it's more than enough. i have to face it towards the reflectors, instead of downward towards the sandbed.
to make it look good? who's looking at your lighting in the dark, with only the lunar lights on?


Originally Posted by Mr_X
go with UVL, giesemann, korallen zucht. they are all good brands for t-5 lamps.
as far as lunar lights, buy a single lunar light from current or ESU, like this one-

i have one of these over my 195 and it's more than enough. i have to face it towards the reflectors, instead of downward towards the sandbed.
to make it look good? who's looking at your lighting in the dark, with only the lunar lights on?


Active Member
the one i have comes with suction cups, and it's made with loc-line, so you can suction it to the back side of the tank and point the light wherever. i've also seen them with a

"vice" type of fastener.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JimVette1

do you mean you want the pods to see, or you want to see the pods? you are not going to see pods with lunar lights. use a flashlight. the pods don't need light at night.


Originally Posted by Mr_X
do you mean you want the pods to see, or you want to see the pods? you are not going to see pods with lunar lights. use a flashlight. the pods don't need light at night.
Sorry about my attempt at humor, When you asked who was going to look at the moon lights.......copepods, get it? Sorry I'll keep my day job.

Seriously, rostato :
I have 3 moon lights on my 36" wide tank IMO I like it.
They are built into my Current fixture.
For stand alone I like Mr. X's idea.