Anyone from Germantown, MD?


Well-Known Member
I'm looking seriously to move up there in the next 6 months or so! Does anyone live up in those parts, and are there any recommended LFS's ? I may have to break down my 110g tank (NOOOOO!!) But I know I'll at least be able to keep my 37 gallon tank, and I want to make sure there are good places for RODI, live brine and ghost shrimp, etc....


New Member
Sorry I live in VA, but here is a link to a bunch of LFS that may be near you. IF nothing else it should give you the closest one. Good luck. I have to go about 30 minutes to a store I am willing to buy from. A warning I used to work at an LFS...some of the worst conditions I have ever seen. I wonder how they are still in business. So check how they care for your animals and make sure you know if they have a central filter or if their tanks are all seperate. If central ask about any health issues. Where I worked we had several hundred fish and I did what was called the dead fish walk pulling out at least 10-20 dead fish a day. Of course none of the customers knew this. So good luck, and keep your eyes open.