60 gal
260watt pc combo w/moonlite leds
2x 400 watt 20k MH
2 maxijet 1200 ph 1 1140 penguin ph (skimmer)
30 lbs LR
30 lbs base rock ( now Live)
30-40 lbs of LS
Reefkeeper2 ( timer system for the lights and wavemaker)
way to many snails , hermits ect to count
cleaner shrimp
scooter blenny
mated Perc clowns
2 engineer gobies
sea urchin
I have had this up for going on 2 years now, I am not running a refugium at this time, but that's really my next step! I will have to quit my job to get the time to build my stand and refugium :hilarious