anyone has experience with using ozonizer?


I am considering getting a red sea ozonizer with probe and air drier. has anyone has use one of this equipment before. I would like to hear from you. I heard that you have to run it through carbon on the return. I don't know how to run it, since I have an ecosystem refugium that has an ASM G3 skimmer with it. I know you should run the air through the intake air tube, but how do you run the output through some carbon?
Thanks for your input.


Active Member
You run the return water through carbon to get rid of any residual ozone, and with that being said the air drier will or should increase the efficiency of the ozonizer itself, but you can inject the ozone through the ASM skimmer and would be perfectly fine.....You can use the ORP reading on the ozonizer to judge how your tank is doing as well.....Ozone is nice to use on a tank, but not a necessity


Thanks for your help, I got the unit already, but how do you run the return water through carbon? The ASM skimmer, on the return, it just shoot back to the sump. And is it really nessesary to run it through carbon on the return? I have read different thing. And if someone really know this. And I have the skimmer in the 1st chamber, then the refugium, then the return. Will the ozone kill my plants in the sump?


I got my red sea ozonizer plus and I installed it already. and I didn't run the return water through any carbon. And so far it is okay, my fish doesn't seem to feel any affects and I have raised the ORP from about 170 now to 300. And the water does look much cleaner.