anyone has heat problems with nano ,,ideas?

luke g

ok so my fridn gave me his nanao iand i have it set up it about 76.4 degrees,, i have been keepign the lid up to maintain that tempature
but the thing is there really isent a way for heat to excape other then the fans but that juts for the light there is still heat comming off the cover ,,i was thinking of drilling holes the the front flip part ,,any other ideas

luke g

for corals your tank should range form 74-76 with the lid cloed it goes to 78 and i dont want my tank to spik three degreess 12 hours oor i ill get ick.


no for corals you should have your tank at 78.5-80/81.I think 76 is a litte cold.why dont you just mess with theheater for a little bit and see how it nanos its very hard to keep things stable.

all deligh

New Member
Yes, I also have problems keeping the temp stable. But when your working with such a small volume of water fluctuations happen quickly. My temp is starting at 76.5 upwards to about 81. I'm probably going to raise the temp to hold at 79.
Keep the temp for reefs seems to have alot of opinions. Some people like the 77ish while others like 80ish. I guess whatever works use.
I completely agree with the higher temp making your tank more vulnerable to disease, but on the other hand rapid changing water conditions will cause alot of stress on fish that will make them vulnerable to diseases too. I got a $100 fish (golden angel) in my 24 nano cube, so I'm extremely worried about his health.
I'm going to see how he does with higher temps for now.

luke g

well i unscrewed the nano lide and under thr lid you see little circles liek in order around the lid and i took my drill press and drilled the hole it doesent look bad and keep temp stable ,,,right now my tank is at 76.5 and stayign


Originally Posted by luke g
well i unscrewed the nano lide and under thr lid you see little circles liek in order around the lid and i took my drill press and drilled the hole it doesent look bad and keep temp stable ,,,right now my tank is at 76.5 and stayign
One issue you may have now with the extra cooling holes you put in is your evaporation rate will likely increase, so you'll have to be more diligent with topoffs........


86 wow! a little high dont you think???All deligh well like you said people say 77-80 but lower temp equals less ick which really isnt true 76 77 is still fine to catch ich the way you get ich in temp. is when it swings like what yours is doing(going from 76 to 80)a lower salinity rids ich.I deff. think it chould be at least 78 but 76 wont really kill em but it is a little cold.