Anyone have 72 Gallon Bowfront Stand Plans?


Active Member
I am pretty much thinking I will buy the standard 72 Gallon Stand with the tank but I was wondering if anyone had some plans? I am not a master carepenter but I know a guy who is more than willign to make me a stand if I buy the supplies and help. He has a wood working shop in his garage
~ Jerome


Active Member
Hey Kipass - you get an Coralline Algea yet? Just curious - 'cuz I noticed last night that all of my rocks in my 5 gallon nano have purple and pink splotches on it!!


Active Member
What I did is take a toothbrush to the one rock that had it and removed all my poly and carbon filters and that was a few days ago - my water got a little clouded looking from the stuff floating around but last night I notced a bunch of pink and purple splotches on my rocks and on some of the larger chucnks of rocks mixed in with my sand bed. I am very stoked!!
By the way - I figure this serves as a long winded bump!!


Active Member
LOL .... well do you use RO/DI water?? maybe you should try some plain RO water .... one guy I Was talking to @ the LFS said that RO/DI water can slow down the growth of coralline if the system is otherwise too clean. not sure I trust his advice much but they use RO only water in the LR tanks and they have lots of coralline algea going on ..... just food for thought
apparently no one has plans for a bow front stand???


Active Member
very very interesting ..... I think you must be cursed by the anti-coralline gods or something. After reading your posts I worried like crazy I would not get any growth .... hmmmm


Active Member
Yes slaughter a chicken, or just go buy a chicken from your local grocery, either way it should appease the corraline gods. As far as stand designe, I could have sworn I told you this before jerome....Get a piece of buthcers paper and trace the bow on your tank, then cut your board according to the butcher paper, make the sides and bottom the same as a regular stand, put a couple of supports in there...ah heck I'll post a design in a minute.