Anyone have a Bangaii (sp)?


I'm very interested in having one of these, but don't see a lot about them. If you have one (or have had one) please share! I currently have a tank full of live rock...haven't even added the clean-up crew yet, so it's pretty much a blank slate.
Although I am interested in having a clown (or a mated pair), sleeper goby (or another kind of goby if I find something I like better), a six-line and eventually a mandarin. All in all, going for the peaceful tank!
Thanks... :)


New Member
I don't have one, but they are often at my lfs and I have asked about them. My fish guy told me that it's hard to get them to eat anything but brine shrimp. He says, however, there is always the exception, but generally getting them to eat prepared food is not so easy.


I have one and have had him for about a month now. He stays in one corner of the tank and doesn't move arond much except in his corner. I also have 3 damsels and a coral beauty in with him and haven't had any problems at all with any of the other fish bothering him. It is hard to get them to eat anything but brine shrimp but mine will eat some krill on ocassion. They are a very cool looking and peaceful fish, I like mine and am glad I bought him. Good luck. ;) :)


Active Member
I keep a Bangaii Cardinal in a 30 long with 1 blue damsel and 1 Mandarine.
Very cool fish for sure - peaceful, and mine too has staked out one corner of the tank for it's own space.
It eats frozen brine, flake and just about anything else. Not too picky of an eater. Wonderful fish - thinking of getting another one and try breeding someday.


Cool...thanks for the replies.
Maybe I'll build him his own little reef in a corner (with my luck, he'll take a liking to the other corner!). :rolleyes:
Brian...I happened upon some pics of some baby ones on a website yesterday...they are adorable! I guess this means I could get tank raised specimens? I like your tank and fish pics...really nice!


Cool. I just got a cardinal myself yesterday. While they usually cost $25 in NYC, there was a special for $9.99. I could not resist at that price. He has been there for 2 days and is very quiet in a corner. I like the shape and color.
If you look for some info on the cardinal click on the "Search" at the top of the screen and type cardinal. Some people gave interesting links especially on cardinals. :)


i have 2 banglee cardnals and thay are great thay bread about ever six months i have not been secssesful raising fry i talked to my ifs and he thinks maybe my breadind perculas are feeding them to there buddy annemine dont no but tank loos nice so i dont whent to change it it took a little to pair up 2 cardnals will fight till on is died i bougth 4 and the male killed of 2 of them so you dont want 2 together


mine was a total pig, he would be there before the rest of the fish. usually they just sit still, but then when food comes or theyre scared they can move REALLY fast. he would take chunks of shrimp so big that he couldnt shut his mouth arond it (they have big mouths) and would just sit there for the next 10 minutes trying to figure out what to do with it. he ate flake, brine, cocktail shrimp...but he wasnt a veggie eater. no formula 1 for him. theyre hardy fish and even thouhg there expensive (20+) they're beautiful fish, especially if you get two. good luck!


I had one that lasted about 1 month. once it got in the tank it just stayed in the corner and never left. it would nibble at food but never really eat anything. i read somewhere (a different website) that they do best in schools. They are a cool fish, just hard to keep


Active Member
There is a thread running in the Reef Tanks section from a person who's Bangaii just had babies, complete with pictures! :D You might want to check that out.
I have one and my daughter named him/her "Wilbur" because he is such a pig. He absolutly goes nuts when frozen brine hits the water and gobbles chunks the size of his head. I've gotten him to try plain shrimp but he doesn't have the same enthusiasm for it. I've also found mine to be pretty bullet-proof as I cycled with him, twice! (Added a bunch of LR after I had already cycled the tank.) He hangs out in a regular spot but when I sit and watch he comes out and watches me! :eek: I would recommend a Bangaii to anybody with a peaceful reef tank.
Take care,
Dan'l :D
[ July 18, 2001: Message edited by: FlyDan ]