Anyone Have a Blowfish??



If you do, I'd like to see pics and read more info on them. What size tank, are they reef safe?


We have a baby porky, a panda puffer and a cortez puffer (all in separate systems). I would not trust them in reef systems or around invertebrates. Be sure to give them ample hiding places (it seems that the more places they have to hide, the more time they spend out in view) and rock work/empty shells so they can keep their teeth worn down. Puffers are some of the coolest fish around and they have one of the best personalities of any fish I have ever kept. I love our Puffers! here is our baby porky....


I have a porcuspine puffer he is amazing but no way I don't trust any puffer on a reef o inv my puffer alredy eat 2 little snails and bite my brittle star, puffers are pretty but kind of agressive, good luck


Just a curious thought.
Which species of blowfish-puffer, is the one which is such a dangerous meal? I've never heard it called anything other than blowfish.


Active Member
Pretty much all puffers... They contain a toxin called Tetrodotoxin which I believe is over a 1,000 times deadlier than cyanide. It can easily kill humans within a few minutes after consumption.


Tetrodotoxin exists in the skin and the organs of these guys, that is why it is imperative that you remove them from your system immediately after death so that the other inhabitants do not pick on the body and become poisoned. If left in the tank, the entire system can be poisoned by the break-down of their highly-toxic organs.


Actually, the only commonly found aggressive puffers are the tobies (small but deadly, guaranteed lionfish killers and murder in a reef tank) while most of the larger species are quite peaceful unless you're a shrimp or crab (also spelled "lunch")...they ignore most hard and soft corals but seem to have a definite taste for star polyps and the like.
We currently had an A. manilensis (striped) dogface, a porcupine and two species of burrfish, also sometime erroneously called porcupines or spiny boxfish).

murray bmf

So they're gonna make aspirin out of puffers. All we need is another reason to kill those guys. It's bad enough they make those stupid souveniers out of them but now medicine:nope: